Investment Management
Value Partners' investment management team has over 50 fund managers and analysts, who have been working together for an average of 23 years. Notable members of the closely knit team include Chief Investment Officer and Executive Director Mr. Louis SO, and the two Senior Investment Directors Mr. Norman HO and Ms. Renee HUNG.
Our impressive investment capabilities are built upon an in-house research team that conducts intensive on-the-ground research in Hong Kong, China and the rest of Asia. We conduct over 6,500 due diligence meetings every year. This emphasis towards fundamental research is the fabric of our contrarian investment approach and the key driver behind our rise to become one of Asia’s leading asset management firms.
Louis SO
Chief Investment Officer and
Executive Director
Norman HO
Senior Investment Director
Renee HUNG
Senior Investment Director and
Executive Director
Gordon IP
Chief Investment Officer
- Fixed Income
Chief Investment Officer
- Multi Assets
YU Chen Jun
Deputy Chief Investment Officer
- Equities
Michelle YU
Investment Director
- Equities
Lillian CAO
Investment Director
- Equities
LUO Jing
Investment Director
- Equities
Rachel TONG
Head of Real Estate
- Real Estate Private Equity
Anna HO
Head of Credit Research and Strategy