Value Partners receives two awards from HKIRA


Established in 1993, Value Partners Group (stock code: 00806) is the first asset management group listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, rooted in Hong Kong, China. The Group stood out as one of the representatives in the asset management industry in the polling of the following awards at this year’s Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) Investor Relations Awards:

·        Best ESG (G)
·        Best Annual Report

Value Partners is committed to protecting the interests of shareholders, clients, employees and stakeholders while maintaining the Company’s accountability, transparency and responsibility. We adhere to good corporate governance principles and practices and place great emphasis on the importance of compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
At the ESG level, the Group continues to support the long-term sustainable development of the environment and society where it operates and is committed to minimizing any negative impact of its operations on society and the environment.