Risk Disclosure
- Value Partners USD Money Market Fund (The “Fund”) primarily invests in USD-denominated and settled short-term deposits and high quality money market instruments issued by governments, quasi-governments, international organisations, corporates and financial institutions.
- The Fund is an investment product and is not equivalent to bank deposits. There is no guarantee in respect of repayment of principal.
- The Fund’s investments are concentrated in USD-denominated and settled short-term deposits and high quality money market instruments. The Fund may be more susceptible to adverse economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory events affecting the USD money markets. The Fund may also invest in emerging markets and is also subject to emerging market risk.
- The Fund is also subject to other risks associated with debt securities e.g. credit/counterparty, interest rate, credit rating and downgrading, credit rating agency and valuation risks.
- The Fund may invest in reverse repurchase transactions and repurchase transactions, both of which are subject to the risk of loss as difficulty in realizing collateral, or inaccurate pricing of the collateral or market movements resulting in proceeds from the sale of the collateral to be less than the cash placed with the counterparty.
- The Fund may use derivatives for hedging purposes. Use of derivatives may expose the Fund to significant losses.
- You should not make investment decision on the basis of this material alone. Please read the explanatory memorandum for details and risk factors.
Performance Update
Annual Returns
Annual Returns
Performance Since Launch as at 26-03-2025
Performance Since Launch
Source: Value Partners & Morningstar
Performance shown is NAV to NAV in denominated currency with income reinvested and net of fees. For funds/classes denominated in foreign currencies, US/HK dollar-based investors are therefore exposed to fluctuations in the currency exchange rate.
Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of units/NAV per share can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. Please refer to the relevant offering documents including the risk factors.
+The Fund is one of the eligible collective investment schemes for the purpose of the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES) in Hong Kong with effect from 1 March 2024. -
Fund Facts
Investment Objective
The investment objective of the Fund is to invest in short-term deposits and high quality money market instruments. The Fund seeks to achieve a return in USD in line with prevailing money market rates.
Fund manager Value Partners Hong Kong Limited
Trustee HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Asia) Limited
Custodian The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Launch date 18-08-2023
Classes available Class A Units Unhedged: HKD/USD
Class B Units Unhedged: HKD/USD
Class D Units Unhedged: HKD/USDDealing frequency Daily
Fund size USD188.43 million ( as at 28-03-2025 ) Base currency US dollars
Minimum initial investment Class A Units Unhedged: HKD1,000/USD100 or equivalent
Class B Units Unhedged: Nil
Class D Units Unhedged: HKD100,000/USD10,000 or equivalentMinimum subsequent investment Class A Units Unhedged: HKD1,000/USD100 or equivalent
Class B Units Unhedged: Nil
Class D Units Unhedged: HKD100,000/USD10,000 or equivalentMinimum redemption amount Nil
Subscription fee Up to 3%
Management fee Class A Units and Class D Units: 0.25% per annum
Class B Units: 0.60% per annum
Ongoing charges over a year# Class A Units Unhedged – HKD/USD: 0.41%
Class B Units Unhedged – HKD/USD: 0.76%
Class D Units Unhedged – HKD/USD: 0.41%#As the Fund is recently launched, these are best estimate figures only and represent the sum of estimated expenses over a 12-month period chargeable to the relevant Classes expressed as a percentage of the estimated average net asset value (“NAV”) over the same period of the relevant Classes of the Fund. It may be different upon actual operation of the Sub-Fund and may vary from year to year.
+The Fund is one of the eligible collective investment schemes for the purpose of the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES) in Hong Kong with effect from 1 March 2024. -
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Historical Prices
Date Class A USD Unhedged Acc Class A HKD Unhedged Acc Class B HKD Unhedged Acc Class B USD Unhedged Acc Class D USD Unhedged Acc Class D HKD Unhedged Acc Date Class A USD Unhedged Acc Class A HKD Unhedged Acc Class B HKD Unhedged Acc Class B USD Unhedged Acc Class D USD Unhedged Acc Class D HKD Unhedged Acc
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